Yes. You heard me. I have a presence on Facebook. Sort of. :)
Not that I'm any good at it. Certainly, I've never advertised on Facebook and wouldn't know where to begin. I'm abysmal at both marketing and advertising, which are two different things at which I have zero skills. However, the graphics were so badly out of date that I gave them all an update! So! Here they are, updated, staring with my profile page. This is the personal page and it's the page I've had the longest. I'm awful at Facebook, but try to update now that I'm creating art again. I do the same for my book page.
The next two pages are my professional Artist and Writer pages. Both are relative new! Though the baby of the bunch is my FB writer page!
I find this header pretty dark, which... really can't be helped given the level of contrast in some of these covers. But here is my writer page. I'm not terribly good at Facebook, but I have been trying to update here. All these social media pages take up a lot of time!
Finally, here is the professional Tracy Eire Art page avatar and header!

I'm sorry to say that the colours look really washed out on these photos as compared to how they are IRL on my screen, but this arch of paintings has some much lighter and brighter colours to help balance the ink and acrylic goat girl I use for an avatar. Yes. She is the GOAT! XD (In fact, she is a little inspired by Ganyu from Genshin Impact if you know the game!)
Those are all the changes for now! I'll also paste the links here, for those who'd like to follow along on Facebook.
Personal Facebook page!
Facebook Professional Writer page:
Facebook Professional Art page:
Thanks, everyone!